Why TrueCar Business Model Does Not Work.
Why is TrueCar loosing millions of dollars (+/- $50 M/year) even though they have a very strong revenue (+/-$250 M/year) from car dealers who pay them a fee between $299 and $399 for each vehicle sold?…
Why is TrueCar loosing millions of dollars (+/- $50 M/year) even though they have a very strong revenue (+/-$250 M/year) from car dealers who pay them a fee between $299 and $399 for each vehicle sold?…
For decades the “Best Price Guarantee” has been the gimmick of choice for many merchants, especially hotel booking websites. It gives the ingenuous shopper a false sense of security by making them believe that buyin…
Every online store that sells on Amazon is aware of Amazon’s General Pricing Rule which states ” By our General Pricing Rule, you must always ensure that the item price and total price of an item you list on Amazon.com are at or below the item price and…
On Dec 9, 2014 Amazon Unveiled ” Make an Offer” to negotiate lower prices trying to catch up with what Priceline introduced decades ago, see one of the articles here. People can use this feature to haggle with online stores via emails through multiple…
In 2011, the Apple-led Rockstar Consortiumof based in Plano Texas, paid $4.5 billion ($2.6 billion of which came from Apple) to outbid a Google-backed group for a cache of Nortel patents for serving targeted advertisements based on search arguments and user…
The core concepts of e-commerce and m-commerce have evolved considerably in recent years, as they become a vital part of retail. Shopping is naturally a key driver for m-commerce but it had not been developing like other areas for a while. For starters, there…