Be More Dynamic with Price Setter’s OpenRTB Platform
DYNAMIC PRICING, DYNAMIC DISCOUNTING and REAL-TIME BIDDING exist as an ability for merchants and service providers to offer different prices, discounts or bids on the same product or service. In order to be successful, merchants and service providers need to be competitive by offering equal or better prices, discounts or bids than their competitors, so they have to be able to offer better deals whenever conditions or circumstances permit it or require it. The ability or inability to manipulate or manage these conditions and circumstances or their capability to implement new smart cost effective technology is the core factor that dictates their grade of success or failure.
With the Price Setter platform and it’s patented “Transaction Arbiter” no two price, discount or bids are ever going to be identical. Sometimes businesses “A,B,C,D” will be engaged, sometimes businesses” A,D,E” or sometimes businesses “B,C,F” etc. depending on their proximity, location, rating and other parameters. When a business or service provider does not have competitors that business or service provider gets to offer its products or services at the best price, discount or bid, just as intended by the supply and demand principle. We call it OpenRTB

Not Just Another Advertising, Marketing or Shopping services Platform
Don’t Reveal Your Hand
Companies everywhere are using repricing software to gain an edge on their competition. This type of software is used to crawl competitor’s websites and automatically adjusts prices, discount or bids to beat out the competition. Price Setter Platform lets you set your best prices, discounts or bids without tipping off the competitor. Your custom price, discount bid parameters will be stored safely in the cloud, away from the prying eyes of repricing software, we call this service CryptoRTB.
Per-Transaction Prices, discounts or Bids
Offering the same blanket price, discount or bid to everyone will normally end up eating into your profits. Now you can price your products/services per transaction and not just offer one price as a whole.
Cut Advertising Expenses
Wouldn’t it be great to be able to offer two different prices, discounts or bids for the same product/service? What if you could offer a different price, discount or bid to bargain hunters all whilst offering your normal prices, discounts or bids to those who aren’t necessarily price conscious? Price Setter lets you do just that! Cut down on advertising expenses now that you don’t have to always disclose your best price, discount or bid.
Automatic adjustments
When your business is engaged to compete against a price, discount or bid to beat from another business via our platform, you’ll know immediately. All adjustments happen automatically, without you having to attend to them, and according to the parameters that you set, that is why we call it REAL TIME BIDDING .
Set Price, Discount or Bid Parameters
Merchants and service providers can set their own price, discount or bid parameters to react when being compared with another merchant/service provider on the spot. Think of these parameters as negotiating agents. Price Setter uses the parameters you set to determine how high or how low you will adjust your price, discount or bid only when compared against other merchants/service providers. Your normal prices, discounts or bids don’t change if you’re not being compared.
