You do not have to worry about not being the lowest priced online store in a comparison shopping website or phone application and you do not have to win the buy box on Amazon in order to sell your products any more. You do not have to constantly monitor the prices of your competitors and keep lowering your prices  to match or beat the prices of your competitors in a race to the bottom. You do not have to advertise  your store’s website in as many cost comparison websites or phone applications as possible to be noticed any more.

Have you ever wondered why some online stores advertise high prices on comparison shopping websites and phone applications? Have you ever wondered if those stores will ever sell anything by not advertising low prices? Those stores are making more money by selling their products to buyers who do not do comparison shopping or do not shop around but land at that store’s website when conducting a search on a regular search engine. The high prices shown on a comparison shopping website or phone application are the prices advertised on their own store website.

Once Price Setter is rolled out (early 2015) you will be able to leave your list prices unchanged on your own store’s website, be the highest priced store in a comparison shopping website or phone application or in Amazon and still sell more products than your competition and have higher profits. all you have to do is to deposit your pricing parameters in our database and let Price Setter do all of the work for you. Sit back and relax and watch more buyers come to your store website. Sell more products and make more money than ever before.

By depositing your pricing parameters on Price Setter, your prices will automatically adjust up or down as necessary (specifically for each individual transaction not permanently). You can leave the prices on your store’s website unchanged and be able to beat the prices of your competition on the spot.

Buyers on the other hand can spend as much time as they want looking for the best price on traditional comparison shopping websites or phone applications and once they find that “lowest price” they can enter that price’s screenshot in the”Price to beat” field of Price Setter widget or application and have member sellers who have deposited and stored their pricing parameters in Price Setter database beat those prices on the spot. Pricing parameters include Maximum price, Maximum discount, Lowest price, percentage under closest competitor and other custom parameters. This lets sellers be sure they can beat competitors prices by a predetermined percentage and not worry if their prices are too low.